Music Therapy with FAQ


Music Therapy

The temple-space of life

Modern life is fast paced and competitive. Ambition is mentally ruling and everyone is looking for success, money, fame and glory. Today one burns the candle at both ends to live a successful life and it results into severe stress. Success is getting linked with name & fame rather than being linked to the purpose of life. The biggest problem of success is that one tends to be linear leaving many other aspects of living at great risk. Early burn outs related to success is as dangerous as early washouts. People dread to live as forgotten people just because their time gone a bit too early. Whereas name & fame requires overwork, doing things against your own values & principles, finding one’s purpose of life releases bundles for energy, throws high lumens of light & takes you ahead of other people. Importantly purpose of life being distinct always creates space & time for every single individual. 

Stress may be defined as an anxiety syndrome due to work pressure. It also caused due to emotional, physical or mental tensions. The Fear of Failure or being left behind leads to a momentous pace of life which endangers one’s physical health. The lure of money and fame also makes one work beyond one’s capacity leading to strain and stress.

Modern life is pretty mechanical; it leads to lack of exercise which catalyses stress. Couch potato lifestyle or being confined to a chair leads to obesity and stress. The hectic lifestyle leads to imbalanced diets, wrong food habits and endless cups of caffeine or aerated drinks makes one more prone to stress. This in turn leads to ailments like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems etc.

However the most common & the most normal reason for stress are not so much the occupational problems but the problems that relate to emotions & attitude. Man has set himself on journey of materialism & time & again he is shifting to the next speed gear. In the pursuit, however, he has lost in all touch with such gravitating traits like humility, spirituality, art, romance and creativity. These are typically traits that offer a personal sphere, intimacy & scope for creation. These are also the traits that create one’s own sphere & gradually person starts building his life around.


Magic Box Dynamics




Humility-Politeness, non-conflicting nature, peace drives

Ego-Hunger for power / recognition

Spirituality-Believing in larger phenomena, encouraging faith

Materialism / Impetuosity

Art-Sense of beauty, Contentment, Satisfaction, Intellectualism

Crude rationality without being systematically & comprehensively scientific

Habits-Largely directed towards work efficacy. Computers, internet.

Habit of craving is lost. One only talks about what is available off the shelf.

Romance-Companionship, Sharing, Bonding

Inertness, Frigidity; life without a song

Creativity-Pursuit of something original, ability to imagine & believe in it

Aloofness, indifferent behavior-Mediocre aspirations, Poor leadership, lack of self-driven-ness

How does musical therapy help the Magic-Box



Music creates empathy. Poetries of pain and sufferings helps you thank god for being so nice to you that you are spared of it. Folk music, Blue bands are economic approaches to socializing & understanding. It saves people from being egoistic & hypocritical. Music is more intoxicating and is free from any bio-social effects. It is an ultimate alchemy for all sufferings and pains. 


Music creates a miniature incarnation of the panch-maha-bhutas; the five basic elements. Raag bhoop and Raag Baageshri has air element. Raag sarang and all its variants has water element, Raah hameer has a fire in it, Raag Durbari has an earth element and Raag Bhairavi has a sky element in it. Music creates consciousness about the larger phenomena & the larger forces that is spirituality. One of the classical distinctions between Indian ragas is the difference in the feel of the five basic elements. Spirituality creates faith & security.

Sense organs

Music plays a great mind sport. It directs influences your audio senses helping you greatly in developing people intelligence, dramatics, and an innate intuition. Music being so engaging also develops a great imagination of space that principally affects vision and visualization. Many abstract ideas get formed after an engrossing music session. Many painters and artists have many stories of their creation to tell under the influence of music. 


Music creates a sense of beauty in expressions, speed, walk & presentations.


Romance is the key ingredient of music that strokes human consciousness with most soothing touch that offers an impulsive change in body chemistry. Creates mind space.


Creates originality, sincerity, sense of quality, ownership of thoughts, creates mind space. 




The fall in the magic box traits creates problems; key among them are;

·        Lack of inspiration

·        Lack of enthusiasm

·        Lack of satisfaction

·        Loss of physical beauty

·        Poor standing of face muscles

·        No glint in eyes

·        Loss of sensory emotions

·        Poor metabolism

·        Tendency to over-react

·        Irregular blood pressure

·        Heavy footedness

·        Late rising




The aforesaid factors directly affect;

·        Quality of life

·        Longevity of life

·        Reproductive capabilities

·        Human empathy & compatibility

·        Social competitiveness 


Critical mistakes leading to stress

·        Tendency to take short term decisions-This will lower commitment

·        Inability to listen to the inner voice

·        Inability to take risks

·        Stop growing ever after

·        Dreams are aspirations-No patience to serve

·        Disharmony between competency & work

·        Disharmony between- Capability & aspirations

How could you change the situation?

·        Change your body-Meditational Practices

·        Change the life style-Change Job/ Change Industry/ Change to self-employment

·        Change the thinking style-Read, understand, determine

·        Add a constituent to your life that quietly changes your lifestyle-Addition is always welcome

·        Add a constituent to your life that surely changes your thinking style-New ideas are always welcome

Golden highways to distressing

·        Communicate- Express yourself- do not feel lonely

·        Don’t take short term measures to stress relief; go to the genesis

·        Change lifestyle-Spend more time on thinking & lessen the time in action

·        Believe in god & the life structure he has created for you; accept your people

·        Create your own world. Develop an artistic perspective. Music should fill in as the topmost utilities.

What is music?

·        Music stands for beauty

·        Music stands for splendor

·        Music stands for ecstasy

·        Music stands for eternity

·        Music stands for a highly private space; a space that you can create for yourself absolutely free of cost

·        Musical beats take you to extra-consciousness whereas musical notes take you to subconscious

·        Music is a marvelous exhibition of romance whether at human level or at godly state

·        Music is a vehicle for metaphysics

·        Music is most artistic of all sciences

·        Music is a most comprehensive therapy because it replaces all physical pathys making the human body more reactive to non-medical treatment

·        Musical entertainment is the purest form of entertainment & probably the cheapest form of entertainment

Intelligence developing abilities of music

Music develops a thinking capability at a subconscious level that could affect intelligence performance in terms of

·        Analytical Skills-You get used to qualifying everything that could be done. This helps create a permanent model that can be adapted to analyze varied other situations

·        Listening Skills-You learn to intercept large data that affect different sense organs

·        People Intelligence-You understand characters, their said & unsaid emotions

·        Emotional Intelligence-You become enriched with emotions that helps you feel the whole world without travelling as much. It helps you meditate through intense listening & intent singing.

·        Personal Intelligence-Most hobbyists turn out to be very resilient characters. They have a greater commitment to life & persuasion for quality life.

·        Social Intelligence-When you organize a small musical concert at home you are creating a position. You are creating an environment at home that comforts many. This is the beginning of an extra-ordinary understanding with a certain group. This also creates a habit of exploring more options that are inexpensive & offer a greater mileage.

Music is an insurance served to you without you paying a premium!

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Overall Life Quality Assessment

·        Quality of health-Music creates vibration for the nerves. It can create deeper sensation than a robust oil massage.

·        Longevity of life -Sounds come from eternity & travel back to eternity. This phenomenon has a very intrinsic effect on improving the lifespan.

·        Sustained excitement-Musical sensitivity creates expectations & positive excitement. It requires no precincts whatsoever.


Quality of a day

·        Engagements –Musical minds are often engaged with soft memories

·        Actions –Music creates a special attention/ filter against rough tasks/ rough physical acts

·        Behavior-Music builds an automatic pursuit of peace & harmony because silence is the spiritual mother of music.

Quality of Rest

·        Sleep-Music helps delineate with the day

·        Conscious-Music helps lower the breathing cycle & increases the quantum breath practices; typical of all the meditative practices. A meditative session of 1-hour is as potent as a singing session of 1/2 -hour in terms of breathing exercises.

·        Subconscious-Music is subject to interpretations. The journey from physical science to metaphysics has a gateway called music.

What makes music the most recommended therapy?

·        Music pertains to listening; ear is closest to brain.

·        Unlike eyes ears need not be turned towards the happening.

·        Eyes need to be kept open to be able to see; ears are always available.

·        In sleep we are closed eyes; we remain wide-eared even during sleep.

·        Although listening is conscious activity; listening happens at both levels; the conscious & subconscious level

What is the purpose of musical therapy?

1.     Develop brainpower to receive combinations of sounds

2.     Engage the mind more into receiving than talking

3.     Create a system of carrying the joy of listening to the most basic human metabolic system-the endocrine glands

4.     Create a new taste of life that automatically creates a relief from bad habits & acquaintances

5.     Create more private time during journeys, waiting periods, manual work & absolutely anything that could be aided by music

6.     Creates a greater & higher understanding about music, swaras, notes, melody, pitch, expressions to speak a few

7.     Creates proximity with metaphysics a higher form of science that rules our mind rather than heart & brain

8.     Metaphysical thinking affords an easiest change in perspectives

9.     Music is a full-proof defense mechanism against all traumatic events of life

Musical friends are more closely attached than say sports friends or hobby friends

What is therapy?

Therapy is a treatment aimed at healing the ailment. Whereas medicine is used for a temporary relief, therapy is generally done on a long run and is more comprehensive so as to find a solution to the present and the future problems.

What is Music Therapy?

Unlike many other therapies, Music Therapy is much more generic and much less concentrated. And unlike other therapies that are applied only when there is a problem, music therapy could be used as pre-emptive method also.

What is a difference between music and music therapy?

Music is listened to more as background activity whereas Music Therapy is more conscious interception in a highly discernible state of mind.

What are the demands of music in order to be followed more easily?

Interception of music needs extremely high listening skills. Otherwise the changes in the frequency of sounds generated may not get intercepted. There is both a problem of selective deafness and psychological deafness that can dilute music.

What is central idea behind using music as a therapy?

Music is sound and sounds are vibrations. These touch the skin, the muscles, the cilia, the ears and transmit subtle strokes. These strokes or messages normally get lost in the melee of the other sounds. These need to be preserved.  

What are the primary and the secondary effects of Music Therapy?

A good therapy is something that not only worked as a physiological level but is also works at a mental level.  The psychological changes occur in a relatively short term and the physiological changes occur in the second phase.

What is the preserved or secured environment for Music?

Quest for music drives people to select channels of living that are able to consolidate their taste for living. However, just in case the person is trapped in cacophony, music therapy trains people to switch off the left brain and awaken the right brain to help listen to the sounds and music of their choice.

What is internalized music?

Music therapy helps read and run those files that are most comforting for you at will. That helps internalize music.


Music Therapy-Frequently Asked Questions


Why are musical memories so sharp?

Music just like food is a matter of environmental consumption. Such memories are therefore well structured and well woven. The chances of musical memories getting lost are much fewer than losing a house key.

What is the most basic form of music?

By far the most important and the most profound as well as most refined form of music is the sound of Shadaj, Sa. 

What are the musical waves and what is its significance?

The most predominating musical wave is the one that swings between sa and Pa. The effect of the taanpura that shuttles between Sa and Pa, is that it creates a complete canvass of musical ideas and possibilities.

What is the most distinguishing feature of musical ideas?

Unlike other forms of ideas, musical ideas are very subtle and they are very private. So there is no dearth of possibilities. That is a reason why musical ideas keep us engaged well through.

Why is music seen as soothing or is so called! What is the logical explanation?

Music is a sound wave. That keeps striking our bodies softly. There is meaningful content of the music that goes through our ears to mind, and there is a physical content of the music that makes a direct contact with our physique. The earlier one offers us the escape and the latter one offers us a relief like a massage.

What make music such a rewarding experience of aloofness?

Aloofness is normally an acquired state of being out of defensive state of mind. But music helps us enjoy the feeling so distinctively and so privately that it becomes a very good positive departure from the crowded environ.

What is the esoteric part of music?

Anything that cannot be stored as visual information is difficult thing to transact. Look no further than contracts and agreements. Nothing is left to imagination. If someone tries to make the musical notification of a maestro, it will be very awkwardly musical. The finer nuances cannot be decoded. Those who try to copy them, look trite and hackneyed. But then music is not a pedestrian genre. Would you like your doctors to make very obvious interpretations and give a very general medicine? There comes the abstruse part of music. This largely un-understood part is essential. However, the more the legibility of the musical expressions the more the mind engagement and greater the result.




What is the core issue related to musical interception?

Before we look into interception we will look at perception; a lower form of intellectual challenge. Sound cannot be perceived. It moves at 330m/sec. As you try to know what is delivered, the next wave strikes you. In general you keep chasing it hopelessly. The list of our favorite numbers is restricted. Listening to them the second time or the time after time makes it less taxing. But music is not about the memory alone. Memory suits perception but interaction begins where a perception reaches a firmer identity. Interception is the dynamic part that has enormous applications for ongoing treatment. Over a period of time the interception could be used severally in conjunction with the ailment iteratively to create a second generation effect.

What are the generations of treatments?

There is method of treating the symptom and there is a method of treating the cause and there is a method of treating the idea. A muscle pull gets a magic spray and the player starts walking.  That is a rudimentary approach. Suppose somebody decides to check the foot landing of the player and finds fault with it, he might offer a different training that eliminates the cause and the prospect of recurrence. A noble man accepts the problem as signal of the climax and lives with it. That is the third generation treatment.

What is the generation of treatment in Music Therapy?

Music Therapy is not a first generation treatment. It is treatment with cascading generations. In the generation II, it works as method of suggestive correction in the glandular activities of the body, similar to Yoga. In level III music is an enormous inspiration to live in the mind than a matter. Unlike operative intelligence that is reactive to the situation and challenges, It facilitates the active mind so very pro-active that one seeks newer destination.

How does Music Therapy compare with Yoga?

Yoga is a picture of face and eyes and body. But there is also a deeply spiritual and gravitating constituent of Yoga because it deals with respiratory orders that are principally driven by one of the most violent and interactive constituent called AIR. Music, especially vocal is more to do with air and the buoyancy effects of music are more advanced than Yoga.  Yoga is looked at combination of asana and meditation but music is pure meditation. It is easier to reach meditative state through music than Yoga.



Why is music considered so inspiring?

Music is a free space. It is quickest and most generous form of achieving buoyancy. Gravity pulls to the earth that gives you a bonded feeling; that we mistake as a security.  A simplest exercise in music is tana. The holding of your swar at one level helps you reach the height of the mountain. Alaps is another beauty; it makes you go through the valley. The imaginative element in music is not just God but is also people and your near and dear ones and beloved. But you deal with them in a different order. A vocalist sings and takes you along. He is not there were he was, neither are you. Correspondence of love remains more stable because the walls are none and the bridges are many.

Why is Music Therapy required and not Music per say?

Music has a huge esoteric element. It is very complex recipe. It is a huge intellectual challenge to understand music. Even among the avid music lovers, the he listening alone comes in a highly diluted form that could be as high as 90 pc. Hence the medicinal value is wasted and the opportunities are wasted. Then comes the hidden meaning. One rarely comes to the point of arriving at the stage where the meaning could be discussed. Meaning activates the right brain and the more it does, the larger grows the human persona. Left brain activities are mostly for the mundane and there are several pitfalls of over-chasing and over exhibiting Arrogance, ego, pride are some of the biggest killers. Music as a therapy is therefore far more efficient than music because it has the translator of those ideas for the user. The sanctum sanctorum like Bhagvat Gita and Quran cannot be understood and applied by normal readers and it requires a mentor. Music is nothing but a sanctum sanctorum of religion of beauty, meaning and ideas.

What is the hidden benefit of Music Therapy

Music is an environment by itself. The potency of that environment is either misunderstood or is not developed faithfully. But the effect of music is mesmerizing and there is much to it than a mere entertainment. The engagement value of music is unknown and its therapeutic application is matter of great exploration. Music is free space and like the possibilities of different constellations, music offers a wonderful scope for self-research, an ideal high quality engagement of mind. Imagine the personality constitution of dominion of hilly region vs Manahattan. Imagine you affecting that shift.

What is difference between Music and Sounds

A refreshing sound makes music, need to know what you are buying a trash.


